Current Work in Progress(es)

V4 and V5 are written, awaiting edits, and their release dates are currently planned for October-December. 

DD: The idea for my current WIP was born from one line in a draft that's hidden deep down in the bottom of my hard drive. It is the most plot heavy book I have ever thought of, and it's just twisted. Honestly, I can't even describe it because it borders on a psychological thriller/horror. This means it is harder to write because each sentence could easily spoil the entire plot from chapter one.
The relationship itself is probably the darkest in dynamics and all the characters are unhinged. If I ever get round to actually finishing it, just trust the process. It will have you wanting to throat punch certain characters and hating others until it's all revealed. I hope I can do the idea in my head justice.
This book will have: revenge plot, masked stalker, sick & twisted, heavy on manipulation, and psychological torment. It is not a stalker romance where he's besotted with her and he instantly falls madly in love. It is abusive and messed up.